Kallie Care
Now Enrolling for 2024-2025 Tiny Tots Program!
My Tiny Tots Daycare program runs throughout the 2024-2025 academic school year . The program runs M-F 8: a.m.- 5 p.m.
Currently enrolling children ages 18 mos+. Here your child will feel a part of a family, get a generous amount of individual attention, learn a lot and have so much fun! We will have monthly themes that we base our lessons and activities on.
You will always be in the loop with what your tot is up to here with frequent pictures and videos posted in our Tiny Tot app.
Tiny Tots Program Handbook
Opening Day: August 28, 2024
Closing Day: June 5, 2025
Hours: 8 a.m- 5:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)​
Daily Schedule:
8-9 am: Breakfast/ Circle Time
After everyone arrives I will give them some time to eat breakfast and get acclimated for the day. Then we will gather together to read books and sing songs
9-11:30 am: AM activities
This will look different every day but it will largely be spent outside exploring, crafting and playing
11:30-12:30 Lunch and Learning
We will spend time working on letters, numbers and more! After that we will have lunch together.
12:30-2 Naptime
2-3 Afternoon snack/ Mindfulness meeting
We will gather together to enjoy a snack while doing anything from reading books about big feelings, learn breathing exercises, following along to cosmic yoga on youtube and more!
3-4 Afternoon Activities
4-4:15 Clean up Time
At this time we will all work together to clean up our space while enjoying our favorite music! Every day, each child will draw a stick or spin a wheel to receive their job assignment. This is a good time for kids to feel a sense of responsibility and practice working together.
4:15-5 Outdoor free play and parent pick-up
*This schedule is subject to change. Each group of children is unique and therefore different routines develop as I learn what works best for them​​
Illness Policy
Parents are required to keep a child home when she/he is ill. Illness is defined as the following:
A child is running a fever of 100 degrees or higher. The child will be welcomed
back to daycare after the child has a normal temperature (98.6) for a minimum of 24 hours.
A child has a highly contagious condition (ex. pink eye, strep throat, lice, flu, covid etc.). This is to minimize the spread of the condition to other children in care. The child will be welcomed back to daycare when symptoms have been gone for 24 hours or have a doctor’s note stating they may return to daycare.
All of the above illnesses have different symptoms, treatment, and time frames to return to daycare. Children must be diagnosed by a doctor and have a note signed by a doctor to return to daycare. I will make the final decision on these matters.
Medicine Given
A written permission form will need to be filled out for all medications, prescriptions, and non-
prescription drugs that are given to the child with the amount of the dosage required and the time/frequency required. All medication shall be in the original container and clearly
labeled with your child’s name on it. Prescription medications need to have the pharmacy label indicating the physician’s name, child’s name, instructions, and shall be given in accordance with those instructions as required by state law.
There are many positive ways to handle behavior problems that involve being firm and consistent, without causing children to feel shame or humiliation. The following techniques will be used to handle inappropriate behavior.
Give a gentle reminder of the rules
Redirection from the situation
Verbal warning
Ask the chid to remove his or herself from the situation. I will provide a quiet space for children to relax and offer emotional support as needed. I will adhere to discipline policies outlined in the Michigan Licensing Rules for Family Daycare Homes.